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Avatar desde: 2006-09-15
Edad: 32
Reino Unido
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I stole this layout at LayoutThief.com
Mi lista de deseos
[ACS] GORGEOUS BATHROOMSocialite Blouse BlackSugaryStriped CardiganRainbowPrinted Tee{K} Rainbow Flip Flops
{K} Sunny Flip Flops{K} Sunny Tee{K} Ocean Tee[L] grey polka shoes{K} Rainbow Tee
Ruffled Gigi AquaBB*Pearlangel Cami-Blackspacerspacerspacer
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Hii x <3 I Make Avatar Pictures And Stickers Guyys And Gurrlss !!
Avatar Pics...Are Only 1 Gifft From Mah WishyyList Or 600Creds.

Stiickers...These Are Only 350 Credz !! I Can Make One For YOO !! All Transparent, So They Look Gurrd.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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