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Avatar desde: 2007-06-30
Edad: 34
Estados Unidos
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Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

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okay, i'll start off with my name. it's AMBER! ;)
i'm fifteen, sweet eh? i ♥♥♥♥ music. i'm single, and i'm very immature. when i'm with my friends, we like to get drunk and party! we also run around on the beach at night flirting with sexy guys. ;) i'm very energetic and hyper about 70% of the time. i'm very nice, and love meeting new people! :) i love coffee. x32948018! i'm stupid and i don't get anything in school. i'm in 9th grade! and i'm fifteen. and i turn sixteen in august. i smoke, and i like it. i love to dance and run around and act like an idiot with kaycee. were cool. HAHA. a lot of people hate me, and it's gay because they don't realize that i don't give a shit! lmaooo. okay, so i had too many cookies :3 byeee, leave me a message :)

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note to self: life isn't supposed to be easy.

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