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Avatar desde: 2006-10-22
Edad: 32
United States - NY
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"Da 0n3andn1y"

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Hey, my name is Amanda, im 14 and live in NYC. i'm a cool person but if u get on my nerevs i'll tell you wats on my mind. i like playin basktball, watchin tv, goin to da movies wit friends, celebratin wit fam, writin poems, singin, dancin and jus chillin wit all da people i luv. i waz born in NYC but my fam iz all Jamaican daz why i got da flag and i luv Jam Rock if i could move to a place and live dere it would be JA. i dont like fake people, hoes and haterz. i am a sweet person and i am very caring if u need a person to talk to or jus listen 2 u im dat person, i like given people advice and helpin dem. i luv hip hop/rap, R&B, soul, and reggae music, some pop. i do believe in standin up for wat u believe in as my page says. I HATE PEOPLE DAT ONLY TALK BOUT DEM SELVES, DAT GETS ON MY NERVES I AINT GONNA NAME ANY NAMES, BUT YALLKNOW WHO U ARE. if u wanna chat jus holla. peace 1 luv *.PS.* im gettin tired of u people leavin messages on ma page sayin im retarted and shit stop comin to my damn page if u hate me so much and if u doin it fa fun den u need to get ya ass a life an fa hottie whoeva da hell u are i got a life cuz i dont be goin on people pages tellin dem dey page suck i bet u aint got shit on yo pag cuz ur dumbass dont kno how to fix it, so leave me da fuk alone. ****0n3and0n1y**** line girls layout @ HOTFreeLayouts.com MyHotComments MyHotComments.com : 2,000 Graphics and Pics
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Iz My PaGe HoTtTtTtTt

RAtE mY pAgE aNd Be NiCe CaUsE u KnOe ItZ hOtT
DiZ pAgE iZ sTrAiGhT uP gAnGstTa
DaMn DiZ dA hOtZ pAgE
DiZ pAgE iZ iGhT
ItZ kOoL
SoMeWaT iGhT
U cOuLd Do BeTtA
It SuCkz
DaMn ItZ UgLy

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! Gold-black Platforms*DA Untouchablez* p/form:+:DnG:+: BG VDay -Pumps:+:DnG:+: BG VDay - HLE:+:DnG:+:Lollipop KissMe
:+:DnG:+: BG VDay - LN-=OG=- Icy Halter YB-=OG=- Girls Kicks YB[E.M.] hope blackFABU Brown heels
FABU DottedCreme Lounge Float~Nya blue capri pj's~~Nya blue pj top~Midnight Metal Room
C.D.L.C SparkleMe Blk ~Nspacerspacerspacerspacer
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