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Remember to laugh; it's like a smile on steroids.

Dearest Abi (Not Abbey, because I'll never be used to calling you that, so get over it.)

You know, I should start by saying I'm really surprised that you're still friends with me. You wrote on my page that I'm a good person, but you and I BOTH know I'm an awful piece of shit when it comes down to it. xD I'm just nice to you because you're so damn se--- I mean cool. Yeah, anyways, so... It's time I wrote your about me thing, anyway. A paragraph shall never be enough to cover it! Not anymore. Ohohoho.

So I should start by introducing you to the people reading this. Perhaps the people who don't yet know you. PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, I TELL YOU THIS: Do not leave this page without leaving a message. Unless, of course, you're an ignorant fuck, in which case Abi is too cool for you. But I can speak for her and say that she is a wonderful human being. If you couldn't tell from the photo next to this passage, she's freakin' beautiful. Seriously, man, I keep trying to tell her she's cute, but it doesn't work! She's so stubborn and thick (teehee) that she won't listen to me. And I'm a guy! I'm always right. Isn't she just stunning? I mean, come on.

But, as much as I do appreciate a pretty girl-- and she is one-- I can't JUUUST dwell on that... (even though I might like to-- I mean, wut). Abi, for whatever reason, fostered me when I was but a lowly noob. She was all fancy with her many articles of clothing, her own name, her rooms. She was cool, I wasn't. Simple as that. Had it been me, I would have messed around with the noob and made him feel like crap about himself. It takes a real, genuine person not to do that. Abi, you have a wonderful heart. I know it's just IMVU, and I know it's silly, but our meeting does mean a lot more to me than you realize. I seriously wouldn't have talked to you had you been me and I been you. xD You're too awesome for me, bro.

Not only that, Abi, but you've been my buddy for a loooong time. I don't know if you remember, but when I was a Freshman, and I dated that girl named Callie, you helped me feel better by making fun of her. You poke fun at me when I poke fun at you. We talk about all kinds of stuff, like the awesomeness of Zelda. Don't ever change, please. Well, okay, you can change, but only in good ways that will make me happier. Ah, yes, and come to see me, if you will. I would much like that. If I could see that cute little face of yours in person, my life would be made! :D

It's funny... You've MADE so many things for me, too. Pictures, even when I looked terrible. Stickers and such. You're just a cool person, Abi. With some talent that's also pretty cool. BEFORE I DIE I WILL HEAR YOU SING. I just remembered that as I was typing. Oh, and you have to play the piano for me when you come visit me in college, okay? Glad we got that set in stone, because that needs to happen in my life. You know something else I remembered that I meant to tell you was that the way you say the letter 'a' is absolutely adorable. I don't know if anyone has told you that before, but I'll say it now. On that note, curl your damn hair, gurl. Shit, forreal. I'm bout to get mad up in this grizz. PS I kicked your ass at Smash Bros Brawl.

Ah Abigail, you are such a wonderful friend. Your videos you made for me, the crap you put up with, like my assholery, pickiness, laziness... You do it all, because you're that cool. Most of the time, when I praise you like this, I stick words and phrases in to make it seem more joking and less genuine. You need to know, though, that you really do mean a lot to me. You're someone I want to Skype with again very soon. I believe you're someone that I will call at 2am when I have problems that I need to vent. (You better wake the fuck up.) You're such an absolutely outstanding friend, Abi, and your other friends, like me, are lucky to have you in their lives. You've made me laugh when I'm sad, you've made me happy when I wasn't... You've turned crap situations into funny ones. Abi, you're my favorite person on this game, and one of my favorite people in life, even though we have yet to meet. :3 To be honest, and I don't mean this in a creepy way, you manipulative piece of shit, there aren't many days that go by when I don't think about how awesome you are! :D I've rewatched those old videos a few times... They make me laugh every time. xD

Anyways... I suppose I shall cut this short. When you're feeling like crap, when you aren't at your best, read this, if you don't mind. And when you get done reading, text me, call me, Skype me. We may be a state apart, but hell if that stops us from communicating. Cliche is coming up, so brace yourself: I will always be here for you. I know, I know, it's overused. But it isn't often genuine. And right now, it really is. You mean a lot to me, Abi. I hope you know that. :)



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