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Avatar desde: 2007-10-08
Age: 36 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
Estados Unidos - NC
Última conexión:

"I\'ll eat your face off..."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
Mis grupos ¡Revisa los grupos de IMVU!
Imagen de Grupo
Soul Reaper Society of the 21st Century

0 posteados de 3 miembros
Imagen de Grupo
Rhyaine: Mistress of the Realm of Dhadamuli

15266 posteados de 2730 miembros
Lo que me interesa
Your Inner Vampire
First name
Shade of black
Favorite type of music
Type of chocolate
Your inner vampire makes drinking an art, hypnotic in its power and not a drop of blood is ever wasted
Its voice has multiple tones and ranges all at the same time
It is dormant because it is a proud thing and refuses to emerge until its host meets its high-level requirements or needs
Its teeth drip a tantalizing drug that lulls its victims into a state of ecstasy
Bloodlust - 99%
This Quiz by catzoid - Taken 4098 Times.
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