About Me
Want to know about me?..

Hello all, Yes this is me in the pics below..I am a MTF TS and for those who do not know what this is it's : Male to Female Trans sexual AKA T-girl. , I am also a website designer and communications engineer. Yes i am on hormones, yes I am full time, I am not one of there weird half cocked cross dressers you may see in a gay bar. I am going to become a female no questions asked and no one is going to stop me. So if you have ideas on interfering with my transition you must love dancing with Satan because i am very serious about this.
I enjoy going out to bars and clubs for fun, i love to flirt but let me get this clean across: I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP ! So all other guys need not come at me interested you had your chances and you missed out, sucks to be you lol.
A Note to the viewers
First off i do not care what you think of me so if you come here to criticize, use my images to try and incriminate me, or spread false rumors about me then all i have to say is your time is coming. I love you all anyways and i forgive you, its not your fault you cannot make something of yourself or live your dreams because your locked in misery. I just ask you do not take it out on me or anyone else who is being what they want to be.
Secondly: I am what I am, accept it and get over it and yourself, this goes for friends, family and employers...Grow up because the more you push me and those like me the more we will push back and we will win. You all know who you are, those of you still attached to an ex wife or husband who does not want you because you failed, or those who cannot find success because your to lazy to move out of your parents house...Or the business owner that is stuck so far up a false gods ass he cant see reality anymore, his business failing but remains to be prejudice against race or sexual preferences of people trying to work for him...You people are in no position to be judgmental you like me are just people..realize that and live you lives free like your supposed to, fuck what another person says or thinks. The clock is running out, what will it take, another 911? it shouldn't take tragedy to jar the public that our lives are limited and our country is in danger..We take out freedom for granted and we don't seem to care if someone takes it away little by little. You will miss it once its gone.
Thirdly: I am really a nice person, you just have to get to know me. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy this choice is yours. I respect all of my friends and my enemies and i love them both and hold them all in my heart. So think before you go talking. I am very forgiving but only so many times.
Thank you for taking the time to read this - Forgive and forget, Get over yourselves and evolve..