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She just my second cool account ^^ leave a message there!
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Avatar desde: 2007-04-18
Age: 39
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"- A n n a -"

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Hey Everyone welcome to Anna world! hope u like ur stay! Im 23 this year and im staying at Malaysia...its kinda cool over here. Go and hang out with your friends at the room i made... i know its alot of problem over there and im not onlline so i did't saw anything about the message u send in..im sorry about that when im gone playing my new account i need someone to check for the room i made send me a message if u want this job. Im kinda busy working and studying so i won't online for a long time. and im not really have the credit to buy furniture for the room i made because this name is someone gave me ^^ thx for the kind person im now in a single mood but im not finding any i think i will be online somedays in this account so *im* me if u want i will be pleasure to take to u^^ im kinda out of credit so if your kind u could send me some gift i want in the wish list and thx for reading this......bye now **miss u all**
--from Anna--
Mi lista de deseos
----i love gift really much, it is free that u can send gift to me~
furnished villa{K} White FF Sneakers*Pc* Boho Black SkirtANN Drawstring Skirt BLK!Chic! Nozomi
ANN Black Beads Necklace!Swirlz! KatANN Heart Charm Sandal B*Pc* Black Cami TopANN Metal Donut Earrings
ANN Sterling Heart[SD]Fabulous NOW!^0^!E! Brat PrincessANN Megan BLACK*Pc* Blonde Julianna
*L* Realistic Mascara*Pc*Black Gloves*Pc* Honey SheilaSweetyPie~Outfitspacer
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