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Avatar desde: 2007-08-27
Edad: 33
Estados Unidos - ND
Última conexión:

"We All Live In The ***** World ***** Monters"

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Listen up al you magets in the work Me and my Fox/Rat Friend are gonna go kidnappe a hug bus pain it with little poneys and randome cartoons on it then where gonna rampage around the glove finding all of are imvu buddies on line and were gonna kidnappe them all ^^ and send them to chuckie cheese where Barnie, Goofie and Micky mouse is gonna wait for them they like boyz ^x^ and we dont blaim them hahhahaha
Rats and Cats rule this planet bitches
comedy or funny Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket
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Slap Pictures, Images and Photos slap Pictures, Images and Photos Insults Pictures, Images and Photos
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Am) <3 Happy B-DayAm]  B!tch slap!Am]Whats In Ur Wallet!
Am]Gay Bar!!!Am] Whats with the Face?DONT RESITE THE POUT
Mi lista de deseos
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[*L] CreepLolliPoP Poses[R] Dark Fairy Dress*D™ RainbowBelt*sp* Tck gloves
-k- JesterRed BootsCollar w/heart tag[Syn] Anime SmurfFemale Super Avatar!Bloody Chance's Tutu
Double Spiky Beltx. Reaper Siren{O}Def Dumb & Blind OMG[DOL]NETTIEZ(lime)[n77] Severe Head Deriv.
[ZO]Blood Ninja Head[KKS] Glamourous A+[TAI]VIVID-Wheat-F~*Bella*~White Mist
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Dont make me call your mother now
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You can try on any ones clothes but as all rules go try them on but dont steal their style of life its called "your gonna get ur ass kicked" rule Have fun with that now
Mi Sala

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