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Avatar desde: 2007-09-03
Age: 39 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
Estados Unidos - AZ
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"Finding my true self one day at a time!!"

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This is me in a nutshell... I am 22 years old and I have no clue who I am LOL.... I use to think I was just like any normal girl in her twenties but then I realized I am anything but normal. I am 100% busy all the time, I go to school full time and I also work, I am a total flirt and complete perfectionist, Im loud and crazy, funny and sweet and loyal to the end. I have loved and been loved and I am sometimes a total bitch. I am sarcastic all the time and I am so opinionated it hurts. Some take my sarcastic and opinionated nature as me being argumentative but I am not at all. I party with the best of them and can be calm and relaxed. I love piercings and tattoos and I have both. I love music because it helps me all the time. I know who I need in my life and I know who I do not. I have even started to weed those people out of my life one by one day by day. You can only take life and its challenges one day at a time.

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Beautifulnitemare22 no tiene a alguien especial.

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~MRSK~Preg.classy fit~Red Blk Top and Flares[V1] Maternity DelightBrownEyelet top&Capris[V4NY] Alina MNight
{K} Denim Ultra MiniANN Mya JET BLACK$ Chisu - Gumv3[8O8] Choreographer PackRainbow Skull Top
(Ð) Rainbow Baby ~ Teddy(Ð) Rainbow Baby ~ Top(Ð) Rainbow Baby ~ BootsKimiko Bangs: Rainbow SLspacer

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