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No, I'm not a Twilight fan. I don't like it nor do I hate it, I just like this song (plus, it's a Zeds Dead remix♥). Please stop asking. My Life in a Nutshell:
The name is Bre. It's pronounced like Bree but spelled with ONLY ONE E. If you manage to fuck this up, I'll be pissed. It's not that hard to grasp. I live in Canada and I've lived here my entire life and I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm 21 years old and I was born in 1993 on March 12th. I live with one of my best pals, and believe it or not, her name is Brie (like the cheese). I love EDM and heavy metal - I can't really choose between the two of them. It's kind of a "which side of the grass is greener today?" kind of situation. I have one cat, he's an orange tabby named Lucifer (really lives up to his name) and I have a mouse named Sammy...I used to have two until Dean passed away (huge Supernatural fan...let's talk about it?♥) ATTENTION: Don't go off assuming that I'm a "dirty satanist" just because my cat's name is Lucifer, my avatar name is Beelzebabe (like Beelzebub [Bee-al-ze-bub]) and I listen to the "devil's music" (lel, Christians...). I AM A PERFECTLY NORMAL WOMAN, LIVING A PERFECTLY NORMAL LIFE. SORRY THAT MY PREFERENCES ARE A LITTLE UNUSUAL TO YOU BUTTWIPES. Moving on...I'm no longer dating my boyfriend, we made it a year and four months, but we discovered we just weren't meant for each other. I love my mommy. She's such a wonderful, kind, genuine, caring lady. She's so understanding of me and the situations I've been through; I really don't know where I'd be without her. I'm so glad that she decided to birth me because I get to enjoy our everyday moments together (which can be fucking hilarious). BODY MODS: Lip: angel bites, vertical labret Tongue: single, plan to get another behind it Ears: stretched to 5/8" No tattoos yet, but I intend to have a ton once I'm done school and have a steadier income.
Don't want to read about me? Here: Bre - 21 - Pierced - Single - Animals ♥ - Family Values
Feel free to leave a message, I'm much friendlier than I may appear. Truly. ♥
I honestly have no clue what to put here yet. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, lovelies. :)

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