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Avatar desde: 2006-01-13
Edad: 44
Estados Unidos
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Estado Civil: Soltero (a)
About me:
I'm the quiet observer from the distance. I'm a listener but not much of a conversationalist unless you hit the right subject. Spent three years active duty in the HHB/319th DIVARTY, 82nd AirBorne Div, US Army and then have spent the last year and half in the 151st Signal BN, Greenville,SC US National Guard even though I live in Davie County, NC just below Winston-Salem & Clemons. I currently work at UNIFI as a Material Handler (Fork Lift Driver) in T-4 mainly and all the other warehouses. I'm single and plan to stay that way till someone descent looking, physically fit chick that keeps herself in good shape and good health comes along and impresses me. I work out every now and then. Play PaintBall with my brother-in-law and anyone who has a paintball gun without a super ego (then again sumtimes I do S:) ). I play online games occasionally when I find the free time. I study Native American and Oriental beliefs, religions and studies martial arts and meditation. My male totem is a Black Panther who I call BlackIcePanther hince who reflects me so I carry the name as my Alias. If ya convince me to talk to ya sometime I'll let ya know who and what my other totems and spirits are.
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friendly Amigos 14
visitors Visitantes 140
kharma Regalos 7
generosity Generosidad 50

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