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Avatar desde: 2006-06-07
Edad: 33
Nueva Zelanda
Última conexión:

"Pure Korea !!"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Check out these very kik ass cosplay , Just can't miss that

Welcum to ma page ,Ma'names Dominic, actually i had ma screen names BlackLuciFer dun mean I dun worship God , ....im kinda shy but still a bit outgoin if ppl r nice 2 me....lol....im nice n kool 2 ppl if dey dun gimme shits....im a hard-headed....i live wit ma own style, juz hate it when ppl label me, alwaiz wanna b unique....alwaiz wanna b me....i laugh n smile a lot...sumtymz i goes hyper....hehehehe....but i think im kool by living ma life da way i wan it 2 b....living lyk dere cud only b one ,Peace!
B is for Brilliant
L is for Legendary
A is for Amorous
C is for Chipper
K is for Kind
L is for Lucky
U is for Upbeat
C is for Confused
I is for Influential
F is for Fancy
E is for Extreme
R is for Revolutionary
Free cursors for MySpace at www.totallyfreecursors.com!
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Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 7
visitors Visitantes 233
kharma Regalos 8
generosity Generosidad 23

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Anyone who come pay me a little visit and bought me a gift , It would be very appreciate. But it's ok if u don't bought anything, just leave me a message. Peace out ^__^
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