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Avatar desde: 2006-02-19
Age: 37
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Don't get cute with me"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Hello mortals, allow me to waste a moment of your fleeting lives by telling you a bit about myself. Don't look at me like that. The only reason that you are reading this is because you wanted to know...right? Anyway, I am indeed female and no I am not lying about my age or any of that stuff. You shouldn't either.
Here is a picture that I drew. DO NOT steal it!! I still have the original my name is signed on the bottom and it is registered to me in deviantart...besides, if you steal it I will hunt you down and torture you very slowly, cutting bits and pieces of you off until there is nothing left but your torso and then I'll boil you in oil. ^_^ doesn't that sound fun!
Mis amigos (19)

These are all wonderful people. Usually I chat whenever someone IM's me unless they have proven themselves to be complete wastes of life energy. If you wish to be added as one of my buddies, allow yourself some common sense, don't ask me my "asl" right off the bat (That annoys me to no end. Plus, why the heck does it matter?),and actually talk to me. I don't mind if you've had a bad day; I understand that most people can't sort things out for themselves. I'm usually happy to help.

Mis Vídeos
Alguien Especial
BlueMaiden no tiene a alguien especial.
Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Saiyuki Bishounen Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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friendly Amigos 19
visitors Visitantes 852
kharma Regalos 10
generosity Generosidad 167

Mi lista de deseos
ELVEN ArwanaRuins/Of/UmbwasN- AnaraJapan seion HaikuN- Adryas
ELVEN TealT3 LeatherBound CastleJapan Eiga highriseELVEN UnitT3 Aaurora-Void
Morfran Manor    .SKUNK RikeyELVEN Original Sin Bootsspacerspacer
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