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Avatar desde: 2006-10-30
Edad: 49
Estados Unidos - OH
Última conexión:

"I need you like a heart needs a beat.. it\'s nothing new..."

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I am 1/2 Italian, 1/2 English. I can be the sweetest person you know, but I can also be your worst enemy. When the Italian temper takes over... there's no stopping it..lol ;)

Stumbled upon this site and I think it's entertaining. Very cute! :)

Thank you to those that have left gifts :) They are appreciated!! :))

... and yes, I made the avatar look like me as much as possible. Yes, I am 32, but always pass for around 25... and to this day still get carded. Thank you Italian genes hehehe ;)

Thanks for visiting!!

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Rodney and I chattin' away about FOOD!

friendly Amigos 8
visitors Visitantes 183
kharma Regalos 0
generosity Generosidad 10

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