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Avatar desde: 2006-11-08
Edad: 31
Última conexión:

"Hey, what\'s up?"

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Hey People! I'm sergio but I perfer my nickname, TEDDY!!!!! XP. If you visit, please leave a message and do not send chain mail. It is stupid and you will be reported. If you're going to add me, let me know who you are first or i will simply ignore the invitation. I'M CURRENTLY WORKING ON THE HOMEPAGE! IT WILL BE BETTER!
Estado Civil: Soltero (a)
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Poison Radio

110 posteados de 518 miembros
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Fall Out Boy Lovers! ^^

129 posteados de 269 miembros
Mi lista de deseos
LK~Natsu-DuskD-PtS v2 NjnsD-#NSkPlaid Grey Flats!PNYC! PVC GothicRage
Punk Gaara Vs1-tx- LT shirts Redspacerspacerspacer

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