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Avatar desde: 2007-01-15
Age: 42
Estados Unidos - LA
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"hey hey yall!"

ChEcK OuT mY bOo, AaRoN's PaGe!!!

Lo que me interesa
1.I lOvE cOcA-cOlA iN tHe MoRnInGs..2.ThE sMeLL oF vAnILLa..3.WaLkS oN tHe BeAcH..4.I LoVe My PlAyStAtIoN2..5. Im SiNgLe & Im MiNgLiNg LoL!..6.I LoVe ThE sMeLL oF cOfFeE, bUt DoNt DrInK iT.EwWw!..7.I LoVe AnY mUsIc, As LoNg As ItS lOuD!..8.I pReFeR LiP gLoSs OvEr LiP sTiCk..9.SpIdErS fReAk Me OuT..10.I KiSs AnYbOdY wHeN iM dRuNk, HaHa!..11.I dAnCe In ThE sHoWeR..12.hAvE kIsSeD a GiRl,EwW,wAs DrUnK, AgIaN LMFAO!..13.tWiZzLeRs,PoPrOcKs,PeEpS,iS ThE bEsT cAnDy In ThE wOrLd!..14.iM aLLeRgIc To OnIoNs,YuCk!..15.FaVoRiTe CoLoR iS PiNk & bLaCk,LiKe U diDnT kNoW tHaT..16.FaV. FoOd iS bOiLd CrAwFiSh,Im A lOuiSiAnA gUrl YeAh.17.I oWn A cOwBoY hAt,ReDnEck StYLe BaBy!..18.i SmiLe AlOt..GigGlE tOo, LoL..19.UsEd To Be A BaLLeRiNa,AnD pRoUd Of iT!..20.LaSt BuT nOt LeAsT, i Am A cHrIsTaiN,If U dOnT LikE iT,TuFf sHiT!..21. NoOnE eVeR rEaDs ThIs,EnJoY aNyWaY!!!..
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How to make a Gingerale1018
1 part jealousy
5 parts brilliance
5 parts beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little lovability if desired!
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