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Avatar desde: 2008-04-25
Trinidad y Tobago
Última conexión:

"what do you people want from me???"

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Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
Lo que me interesa
hi i am Jiro Takahashi. i am just a normal guy but with more class in what i do. i love to go to the mountains and really love driving. speed is my middle name. i love girls and i dont like boys so that shoud mean i am not gay so all you gays please stay a million miles away from me. i mean that. i will chop off you dick with my sward if you have one. anyway. love is what my life is running on and its hard to live with out it. well anyways thanks for visiting my page and hope you enjoyed the visit. please leave a message and if you fell happy today leave me a gift. ;)
positive people
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friendly Amigos 31
visitors Visitantes 328
kharma Regalos 18
generosity Generosidad 56

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The thing about me is i make things look good. now dont think i am full of myself but i know what i am doing when i say i am. all i have to say now is dont underestimate me.
Mis amigos (31)
Some people will like me but some may not but who cares? I am not perfect but i am already here anyways. If i die i will still hont you so love me or you will have to live with my hate if i die.
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