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Avatar desde: 2006-12-03
Age: 40
Estados Unidos - Illinois
Última conexión:

"Alternative Chick w/a Twisted Sweetness!"

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"Dance like nobodys watching, work like you dont need the money, and love like youve never been hurt. -Mark Twain

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(3 Hey Luvs! My name is Sky! Yes, I am aware of the "RISKAYE" pics I post, but they are just Materials. : :::: IT DOESNT MEAN I AM A S3X-CRAVED INTERNET WHORE, OR VIXEN!!! :::

I'm a 27 year old . . .I'm just here for friends and to pass time! I LOVE Music/ ALL types of Music! ... (Fall Out Boy and Augustana, R0ck My W0rld & COMMON is a Chicago God!)
I'm an Alternative chic , with a Dry-Sarcastic-Goofey-Dark sense of Humor ! All in All...I'm pretty friendly, so Please Feel Free to stick around & get to know me.

Looking For: Other
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~*MB-Lotus*~DrkElecblue Chinchilla CTimberWolfC.E. Blk Short StilettosPurple Butterfly top
Luminescent Silverspacerspacerspacerspacer
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