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Avatar desde: 2005-12-31
Edad: 36
Estados Unidos - IA
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Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

The My Name Is Ceaira. And I look at things in a positive way. So don't ask me questions I can't answer. :P Nothing you say can bring me down. People hate me, People love me, I deal with it. I love to meet new people, so say Hi. =] I don't like to fight, It's Pointless. The person will still be talking crap no matter what. If you don't like me that's fine. I don't talk shit. If you think I said something about you, Ask. I'll tell. And another thing. If you add me then you talk. So I Keep It real.
My Recent Visitors (0)
Eh! I love my visitors! My site isnt the best but I tried to make it look good, I spent all my credits on stickers! :P
Lo que me interesa
Alguien Especial
Left4Dead no tiene a alguien especial.
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This is all I want. I don't ask for much.
Dark Mistress Corsetspacerspacerspacerspacer
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Left4Dead doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
¡Mira a algunos grupos de IMVU! Comparte lo que te da la interés, lo que has hecho, consejos, chisme, historias, cualquier cosa y todo!
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