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Avatar desde: 2005-12-13
Edad: 38
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A feel good quiz by cerulean_dreams
your name is...
your eyesare two drowning pools
your hairis soft and radiant
your smileis stunning
your bodyis elegant and stunning
your hugsare loved by all who get them
your kissis forbidden
your loveis never wasted
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Lo que me interesa
Hey, Dont add me if u wont talk to me ok, cause if ur just gonna add me for a number on ur list then forget it.So ill be expecting to chat with u if u add me or its bye bye. one last thing NO DRAMA PLZ. now with that out of the way what is there about me i can tell you. well im suprized u got this far but anyways lol waking me up when im sleeping can take the jaws of life, that is if i dont kill u first for walking into my room to even try n wake me up, Im a kind and careing person who can be on the shy side at times. ill do just about anything with good reason and im kinda crazy and out there. i like computers and worrking with rc stuff and electronics along with wood and metal working. Im kinda all over the place with things i like and like to do and hobbies, i hate stupid people who dont be themselves come on stop lieing n be who u are, being someone ur not doesnt do u any good it only makes things worse. that and i hate it when u talk with someone n there like lieing through there teeth so u think that there cool. i have a bit of everything i guess.hmm oh yea im crazy lol
Gemini, United States - SC
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A feel good quiz by cerulean_dreams
your name is...
your eyesare dazzling
your hairis envied by many
your smileradiates beauty
your bodyis elegant and stunning
your hugsare warm and fuzzy
your kissis given only to those who deserve it
your loveis not given likely
Quiz created with MemeGen!
friendly Amigos 6
visitors Visitantes 324
kharma Regalos 9
generosity Generosidad 37


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