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Avatar desde: 2006-07-27
Age: 40
Estados Unidos - Illinois
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Lucy - Nyuu
Avatar since:07/27/06

Age: 23
United States - IL
Last log on: 12/01/08


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Mis Vídeos
Alguien Especial
LucylNyuu no tiene a alguien especial.

I would like someone special who is easy goin, fun to hang out with, & does not do drugs or smoke at all. I would like for no one bossy & I do not care for rich people who do not care for anything else, but fun & money...

I however wouldn't mind a nice gift here or there, lol. I will not ask for one, however I can't say no to one either, but if I could repay I would, however I probably can't... I do have my own ways of payments, though...

They need to be kind, carring, looks good as well as have a good heart, I guess, lol...

They need to like me for who I am & not for their own personal pleasure, someone who'll take care of me, & help out around da place...

Someone just like you... Not, lol, just kidding, however it could just so happen to be you, I guess we'll just have to wait, and see?

Empty Space & Waiting To Be Changed!!!
Empty Space & Waiting To Be Changed!!!
............My Chat Room!!!!!!............ For those visiting my page and can't use IMVU for some reason, this maybe just the thing for you? The only thing is that you need to sign up for it though, but don't worry, there is no need for downloading anything, & that way, you can also still stay in touch with me as well if I ever can't get online either so why wouldn't you want to sign up for it, I can't seem to think of a reason not to!!! Just leave me a message for more info on the whole chat room thing if your interested, oky? Again, thanks!
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Lucy / Nyuu's Elfen Lied Group

7 posteados de 20 miembros
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friendly Amigos 55
visitors Visitantes 836
kharma Regalos 140
generosity Generosidad 39

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Mi Sala
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A Message To My Visitors... ................................................ ..... (!!!Message Of The Day!!!) ..... ................................................. . People who smoke deserve Cancer, & should rot in Hell, however If they do ever find a cure for Lung Cancer, those who do smoke should be forbidden access to the cure, otherwise those who do not smoke would have to live with the tourcher forever, ;( ................................................ P. S.: The moral of the story is... If you smoke? Get The Hell Off My Page!!! You Are discusting, & are not wanted here... So Plz Leave?
Mi lista de deseos
AP Thunder Island Bundle I Also Want This Bundle, Too
sb elven garden fallselfen sword displaybench elfenLucy Elfenlied SofaLucy E.L
Elfen Lied Lucy-s HelmetElfen Lied -Lilium Part1Elfen Lied - Lilium[AG] Ibyte LiliumLilium (Dubstep)
:Sei: Elfen Lied Roomelfen liedelfen liedbooks 🖤Diclonius Lab Door
LG1 Blue SweaterSAL::ApoGe Ka ::Black!! Sergio{RK}Blue & White Chucksspacer

sticker_2568665_2939378 sticker_2568665_8371270 sticker_2568665_8999577 sticker_2568665_42286444 sticker_2568665_42286445 sticker_2568665_42286446 sticker_2568665_42286447 sticker_2568665_42286450 sticker_2568665_42286451 sticker_2568665_42286452 sticker_2568665_42286453