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Avatar desde: 2005-09-06
Edad: 38
Estados Unidos - FL
Última conexión:

"That's what's up."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Hi. I'm out of my mind. :D

What's shakin', stranger? I'm just another swankster trying to get by on half-baked ideals, tallying the incapabilities of society, and a bit o' blood and guts on the side.

If you're interested in knowing, I'm quite the queer one--but never fear. My patience is totally up for grabs, and I'm easygoing enough to give anyone a fair chance. Question is, are you willing to give this piece of work a chance? ;P

I've got a (some kind of) sense of humor, a general propensity for kindness, two gerbils, a psychotic parrot, and five fingers on each hand. I like grilled cheese sandwiches, speaking in foreign accents at restaurants and appreciate the art of conversing with inanimate objects. Wow! What a steal, folks--betcher britches are rarin' to meet up with mine ASAP, eh?

Well, if not, I salute you; you'd probably be better off, come to think of it.
And if you are (CRAZY)? I'm waiting!

My Recent Visitors (0)
;D Thank you for coming by. Come visit me again sometime~ <3
Mi lista de deseos
Ohh... just things I figure I'll eventually come across one of these days, somehow. ;)
Sephoran: swan sweet shadowChanel|Black|Glasses|DiaGangnam Style Dance [F]~A:Black'Collar Necklace
~A: Black'Chic Nails₣. Black Grey Topn: stone green emerald[TW]4colors in 2tone eyen: dolly cotton candy
n: entrance purple F[KS] Lime Green F.Liquid purple| Capricorn!$[c] Cutie Cakes
{BB}japanese kawaii Headspacerspacerspacerspacer
Mis Vídeos
Mis amigos (25)
Hey, don't be shy.
Lord knows I'm not gonna stop you if you're into the whole concept of being friends with a complete lunatic. ;) I'll return the favor. It's only fair!

I'm nice like yo brotha from anotha motha--WITH A VAGINA. D:
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