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Avatar desde: 2006-12-16
Age: 40
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Avo vuio."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

It's very sad that I have to say this, but leave it to some people to ruin it for everyone else...

1. you're looking for a relationship/sex/random cyber play. I am NOT interested.

2. you magically create drama wherever you go. Keep your drama to yourself.

3. you are unable separate RP and real life. Go play with someone else.

4. you want to convert me. Worry about your own damn soul.

5. you harbor some other brand of idiocy that isn't listed above.

Bottom line, if you are nice to me, I'll be nice back. If you act like a jerk, you risk my wrath.

On a much less annoying note, if you IM and I'm not there, please leave a message--aside from IMVU's tendency to periodically devour invites, I am also somewhat prone to wandering away from my computer without signing off. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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Mithedhelwen of Taliessin

"May your journeys never end."

Mithedhelwen, rendered quite sane and quite grave from her journey, has at last returned to Taliessin.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Since Mithedhelwen is conspicuously absent, I'm usually online now as Wednesday Hawthorne, the woodblood elemental shown in my current avitar picture. You may also see me as any of the following characters:
The Changeling Monarchs
Standing: Icarus, Gloria, Edmund, Gerta
Seated: Oracle

Estado Civil: Casado(a)
Gente Nueva

For those of you who are interested, here are a list of developers I like:

So what's YOUR fantasy?

LadyElvenstar's Product Page
Elfbrat Designs

Imagination is my lullaby


Dare To Dream

...also check out LadyStorm's, Geminjewel's, Frozenfaith's, and Rusteensangel's products as well; I don't have a banner for them yet...

Lo que me interesa
Mis grupos ¡Revisa los grupos de IMVU!
Imagen de Grupo

2413 posteados de 2233 miembros
Imagen de Grupo
Pagan-Wiccan-Witch Resources

573 posteados de 259 miembros
Imagen de Grupo
Muse's Alluvion

281 posteados de 36 miembros
Mis atuendos View latest
Mi Sala
Portrait by Nightfahl
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If you don't mind a somewhat fuzzy picture, MST3K's treatment of this movie is hilarious:
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My Recent Visitors (0)
Mi lista de deseos
These are for my benifit, really, so I don't have to sift through hundreds of items looking for them again. However, if you really feel the need to get me something, I won't stop you (and thanks in advance). :) However, please don't get me anything really expensive; I'm saving up until I can afford it myself and would feel extremely guilty if you beat me to it.

Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 30
visitors Visitantes 966
kharma Regalos 7
generosity Generosidad 233


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