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Avatar desde: 2007-08-07
Edad: 36
Estados Unidos - FL
Última conexión:

"A true Pyro never fades away, They are reduced to embers and await rebirth."

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Your time came my friend, a true pyro to the end. You did what all men have tried and failed to do. You alone found a way to tame the flame. Fire brought you peace in this world, so it shall bring you your final peace. I will never look at a flame again without seeing you within. You tried to show me what i was to blind to see, and now i thank you for i see it myself. Goodbye my friend, Goodbye Luke, i hope you find what you were looking for in this world, but couldn't find.

Estado Civil: En una Relación
Buscando Por: Amistad
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2/18/08 a day that will burn in my heart forever till i join my brothers in the after life. Update: I hope you find them and that you find what you were looking for.
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