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Avatar desde: 2006-07-20
Edad: 36
Estados Unidos - PA
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Hello, if your here... you are either talking to me or somehow found my profile. Well... to give you a little information about myself... my name is Jeff and I just graduated highschool recently and plan to take a year off before applying to college. I have no idea on how I want to spend my life, so for the time being, I come on Imvu to waste it. Aside from Imvu, have a few hobbies that I am not proud of... One is a gambling addiction that began when I was 12 with simple board games, but now has developed into online poker and actual casinos. Although it is my current source of income, I would like to somehow tone down the betting and find a more stable job. Another obsession I have is anime because it is so damn cute. I just got interested in it last year and have watched way too much. Aside from that I can't think of what else to say so I guess I should finish up by saying I like to chat and if you have any questions about me, feel free to ask.
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visitors Visitantes 49
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