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Avatar desde: 2005-11-23
Age: 42
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"I always tell the truth, Even when I Lie"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Phoenix is the eternal bird of life, Her gorgeous plumage flames about her like fireworks of red and gold. She lives in the Arabian desert for a span of five hundred years. When the stars have made their cycle and her time is over, the Phoenix flies up into the arms of the sun where she burns to death. Then, Slowly from her ashes, a new life emerges and the shining bird is reborn, a symbol of eternal love and life.
Mis amigos (9)
The Phoenix is a traveler going through the inky vastness of space; it can take mortal form when it wants to -- but spends most of its lifetimes as a large beautiful Gold and Red bird.... </a
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Mis Vídeos
Gente Nueva
"Age and wisdom are claimed to go hand in hand, the latter coming with the predecessor. With time comes the benefit of learning, correcting and stepping ever closer to perfection. Time. It seems to be the most malleable element there is in the minds of those fated to exist in some fashion. It is short, long, eternal; a straight line, an unbroken circle. I have followed this creature for the remains of my life, having stumbled upon her when our paths crossed that fated day. She was fury and wrath incarnate; unyielding, unforgiving, unmerciful and I find that I lack the capacity to hate her, this woman they called Phoenix."
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Alguien Especial
PhoenixBLaize no tiene a alguien especial.
Mi Sala
Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 9
visitors Visitantes 974
kharma Regalos 3
generosity Generosidad 92

Mi lista de deseos
Maniac killer
You are a maniac killer.
It doesn't matter who they are and what they
have or haven't done. You still want to kill
them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun.
Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe
you have some sort of mental problems or you
are this way because of previous deep scars,
only you know. But now you are sadistic and
maybe you only like to see a special group of
people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are
not the most social person in the bunch and
people think you are weird. That bothers you
somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself
with daydreaming about killing them. After all,
they have no idea what's coming.

Main weapon: Explosives and torture
Quote: "Insanity: a perfect
rational adjustment to an insane world" -
R.D. Lang
Facial expression: Wicked smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla
Damia Jett-RedBlack Onyx RingMinion MoriCorset Cosplay TrenchScroll Top BLACK PEARL
intimate fireBelt Skirt-WaltzingMouseHecate/Danae BootsBLINGBLING DIAMONDCHOKERSilver Goddess Dress
Luminescent SilverLoli Curls Black Pony SMTube Top RedRed and Black CorsetDragons Wisdom Top
Red Cutaway Dressspacerspacerspacerspacer
You are an ELDER. You are younger than the leader
but older then a fledgling. Meaning you no
longer live with your maker, unless you just
love the person who made you. You have your
own territory where you live where others of
your kind have to do what you say in order to
stay there, the only one you cant boss around
is the really old vampires.

What Kind of Vampire Are You? (Now with Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla Dark Beauty!
Dark Beauty! You're mysterious and a riddle for
everyone, and that's exactly what attracts
people to you. You often wear a cold mask to
not show that deep inside your soul is as
pretty as your looks.

What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla
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