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Avatar desde: 2005-10-08
Age: 39
Estados Unidos - FL
Última conexión:

"ShakeURBodyLikeABellyDancer Bisous :)"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One SONG can spark a moment One FLOWER can wake the dream One TREE can start a forest One BIRD can herald spring One SMILE begins a friendship One HANDCLASP lifts a soul One STAR can guide a ship at sea One WORD can frame the goal One VOTE can change a nation One SUNBEAM lights a room One CANDLE wipes out darkness One LAUGH will conquer gloom One STEP must start each journey One WORD must start a prayer One HOPE will raise our spirits One TOUCH can show you care One VOICE can speak with wisdom One HEART can know what is true One LIFE can make a difference.
http://www.There.com http://www.vmk.com
Mi lista de deseos
Purple pants for corsetYumi Leather Mini Fire 1Blue Ultra-miniMidnight CamisoleNuala's Mini Skirt
Mis amigos (11)
PEEPS I must put in a plug for a couple of designers here - well like Four!! Peachie5 :D (newest I think) GnawtyGirl, Yumi,Cassiopeia (who Turned me onto There.com!) There are great peeps!! Merry Christmas - thoise are the only ones so far that I have had the plasure of chatting with actually and buying heir products so KUDOS! and CHEERS!:D
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