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Avatar desde: 2007-10-23
Age: 39
Estados Unidos - NJ
Última conexión:

"MSN- the crew"

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Two Hundred Random Questions Survey

1. Would you die for your friends? certain ones
2. Do you have any collections? no
3. Do you have any pets? Why? yeh dog
4. Do you pray? no
5. What do you wear to bed? shorts or nothing lol
6. Where were you born? sweden
7. Shower or bath? bath bymyself shower with a girl
8. Do you have a job? What is it? cvs
9. What grade are you in? wow
10. What is your favorite musical instrument? guitar
11. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? amsterdam
12. How much cash do you have right now? 150
13. Best April Fool's joke ever? idk
14. Have you ever been suspended from school? yes
15. What was the last insult you received? "wow your dumb" from a random girl tryin to gun me
16. Tastes great, or less filling? excuse me?
17. Can you cook? yes
18. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheeseburgers
19. Do you like walks in the park? when its with a girl
20. Have you ever been surfing? yes i have
21. Why are they called fingers if they don't fing? cuz u can....lol
22. Have you ever cried in public? no
23. Have you ever written a poem? for school
24. Have you ever gone rock climbing? yeh
25. Do you get along with your parents? no
26. What is your least favorite emoticon? emoticon?
27. Do you want to get married? depends who it is
28. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist? yup
29. What is your screen name? princeofgraffiti
30. Have you ever eaten sushi? yes sir
31. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? no country for old men
32. Who is the skinniest person you know? shane, my brother
33. Have you ever been on the radio? i dont think so
34. Abercrombie or Urban Outfitters? UO
35. How tall are you? 5 something
36. You or your love? my love?
37. Do you personally know any bums? yeh
38. Group or single dates? group
39. Favorite city? nyc
40. Skinny dipping or chunky dunking? skinny dipping
41. What is your favorite female name? jessica
42. What's your favorite band? no idea
43. What are you listening to right now? my life be like(ohh ahh)
44. Do you like the band Radiohead? no there horrible
45. Would you set yourself on fire? if i was fireproof
46. What name brand do you wear the most? fox rider
47. Do you like cows? no
48. Do you like your name? its different
49. The phrase you overuse most on IM: wtf
50. Do you think you're attractive? yup
51. What is one thing that annoys you? girls that dont talk
52. Do you hold grudges? no
53. What was the last compliment you GAVE? sexy
54. Have you ever been to a concert? yeh i have
55. Who do you want to meet? david beckham
56. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? cell
57. When is the last time you went to a gym? i have a ab lounge and a treadmill at my house
58. Have you ever sat on a rooftop? yeh
59. Are you rude? can be
60. Last text? from a girl
61. Are you a vegetarian? no
62. Have you ever been beat up? haha yes
63. Kleenex or Puffs? No Answer
64. Do you have kids? hahahah no
65. Pancakes or waffles? pancakes
66. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? no
67. What is something you know that most people don't? idk
68. Do you get enough exercise? yes
69. Do you wear makeup? no...im a guy
70. What's the most common name you know? isaiah
71. Coke or Pepsi? either
72. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? phone
73. Last person to make you cry? no idea
74. Do you ever use your full name? yes
75. For a girl: short or long hair? whatever looks best
76. Have you ever sworn? all the time
77. What would you change about the past? idk
78. Do you still use film for cameras? i guess
79. Do you like sports? yes i play them
80. Lace or satin? lace lingerie?
81. What is your favorite word? ****
82. Explain what you think about dating. its fun,especially the sex lol
83. Who did you last talk to? shane
84. Can you write with both hands? yes i can
85. Have you ever been abducted by aliens? no
86. Favorite comic strip? i dont read them
87. What were you doing at midnight last night? party
88. Who have you met in real life after meeting them online? girls i guess
89. Have you ever gone a week without showering? yeh in camp
90. Have you ever licked a battery? (and if you haven't WHY NOT, it's fun!) NO, wtf is wrong with u
91. Last time you used the bathroom? a few mins ago
92. Who DID let the dogs out? my sister
93. Do you like holidays? yeh
94. TV or movie? movie
95. Do you like cats? no
96. Explain what you think about abortion. if its there choice
97. Do you smile a lot? yeh i do
98. Yahoo or Google? google
99. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? no
100. Who is your favorite person? idk
101. Would you smoke? yes
102. Do you drink enough water? idk
103. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? idk
104. 'Digged' or 'dug'? i can digg that
105. Snakes or rabbits? snakes
106. Do you believe in God? yes i do
107. How do you usually dress? fresh
108. Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? no
109. Have you ever written a song? yes
110. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? yup
111. Would you give me $5? if i knew u
112. Have you ever been to a beach? YUP
113. Rebel or goodie-two-shoes? rebel
114. Have you ever yelled at a telemarketer? all the time
115. Favorite country? no idea
116. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? nahh hes good
117. Are you artistic? if u call it that
118. Can you cross your eyes? yeh
119. New York or California? cali
120. Do you believe in love? i guess
121. Boxers or briefs? boxer
122. What's your favorite color? no idea
123. Hot or beautiful? hot
124. What is your favorite flavor in general? No Answer
125. Do you like seafood? lobster=)
126. What's your favorite TV show? that 70's show
127. What's your favorite animal? dog
128. Have you ever been in love? if u call it that
129. Where is your favorite place to live? sweden
130. Have you ever walked more than a mile? yeh with my dad
131. Favorite website? myspace....
132. Would you date someone you met online? yeh
133. What's your favorite drink? cocaine
134. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? yes
135. Kiss or make out? make out
136. Have you ever skipped school? yes
137. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? no, i actually have a life
138. Do you look like your mom or your dad? dad i guess
139. Grandma or grandpa? dont know either
140. Last kiss? what?
141. Explain what you think about hippies. their gay
142. Favorite year so far? last year i guess
143. Will the world end in fire or ice? ice
144. Do you have long or short hair? No Answer
145. Explain your political beliefs. idc
146. What's your favorite store? hm...idk
147. Day or night? night
148. Do you eat meat? yes
149. When is your birthday? january 8th
150. Is there happiness in slavery? no
151. Who is the most fun person you know? shane
152. Worst April Fool's joke ever? jumping shane
153. Do you get annoyed easily? i guess
154. Favorite type of shoe? air force ones
155. Who is the most controversial person you know? idk
156. Why do you admire people? uhh yeah
157. Who do you talk to most on the phone? isaiah
158. Have you ever been on a boat? yup, have one
159. Collar popped or normal? popped
160. Apple or Microsoft? microsoft
161. Do you want to have kids? i guess
162. What does your name mean? idk should i check?
163. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? not a fan
164. Last time you spent $100, and what for? shoes
165. Who is the loudest person you know? idk
166. Do you believe in free will? i guess
167. Have you ever been racist? i dont think so
168. Do you believe in magic? sometimes
169. Do you smoke? yes
170. Rhyme, free verse, or slant rhyme? freestyle
171. Do you like dogs? yes, i have one
172. What are your thoughts about life? independent
173. Pizza or pasta? pizza
174. What is your best physical feature? abs
175. What's one unique thing about you? u tell me
176. Name 4 things you always have with you: cell phone,knife, others
177. Would you eat human flesh for money? no
178. Have you ever beat someone up? yea
179. How many times a day do you go on myspace? once
180. Land or water? both
181. Have you ever left the house naked? yes its fun
182. Your crush's first name: No Answer
183. Flip-flops or slippers? flipflops
184. Do you believe that animals have souls? not really
185. Bagels or chicken? bagels
186. What is your favorite male name? um....i dont judge them
187. What is your lucky number? 7
188. Have you ever been camping? yes
189. Do you believe in ghosts? no
190. What is your favorite IM acronym (lol, omg, ttyl, etc)? wtf
191. Who is your newest friend? asdnhrth nryh
192. What's the best concert you've seen? kanye west
193. What's your favorite song? idk
194. Would you lie to your best friend? why should i?
195. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? haha no, the age difference is like 70 years
196. Are you a neat freak? no, my friend is tho
197. Can you whistle? yes
198. Do you celebrate Hannukah? no, im not jewish
199. Are you color blind? i dont think so
200. Who annoys you? random crackers...lol
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