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Avatar desde: 2005-11-07
Age: 37
Países Bajos
Última conexión:

"Yes, i'm that good."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

My self-summary:

Well, i am a guy, mostly people love to bring prejudice upon me because of my appearance, i look rather... well dark i guess, i am not the most talkative of people in public, i am 1.83m, i love all kinds of music, i don't judge people by how they look, but by how they act, and yes, at harsh as it sounds, and as there aren't many people whom wish to admit it, whilst almost everybody does it, i do judge people, wether it's concious, or sub-concious, anyway, i enjoy life, and i go to the gym a lot, a place to lose my energy.

What I'm doing with my life:

I am studying Social psychology, i am going out a lot with my friends, i am in the prime of my youth, what i am doing is have fun.

I'm really good at:

Math, yes it sounds like i am a nerd, but i am good at it, i am told i am pretty creative, i am good at writing stories, poetry, i am good at whatever i enjoy doing, and even if i am not good at it, i simply do my best, and that gives me the idea i am good at it.

The first thing(s) people usually notice about me:

My appearance, i am usually dressed quite dark, and because my eyes hurt easilly because of bright lights, i often wear sunglasses, and people, this isn't some joke for some lame vampire obsession, my eyes are merely not all that good for bright lights, plain and simple.

My favorite books, movies, music, and foods are:

A. Anne rice vampire chronicles. B. Interview with a vampire, Lord of the rings, and movies of leslie nielsen and jim carrey C. Just about everything that sounds good, nothing specific. D. Different, i enjoy cooking, and i tend to make it taste good to my lips, so that's what i enjoy to eat.

The SIX things I could never do without:

1. My life, would be hard to live without a life. 2. My friends and familly, it's quite important to me. 3. My freedom. 4. My own space in this world (My room) That's about it so far.

I spend a lot of time thinking about:


On a typical Friday night I am:

Either stoned or chillin with some friends, but probably both.

The Real Me (Picture) :

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kharma Regalos 4
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