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Avatar desde: 2006-07-30
Edad: 34
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Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Thanks for visiting my homepage and if you buy any of my products!!!

Everyone, thanks sooo much for visiting my homepage, and if i don't get a chance to reply, i am very sorry. I am busy and its hard to get on the computer every day.

Hope you all enjoy my products!

~ Meow ~
Mis nuevos productos Ver todo
These are my products, so that means i'm a developer! Yay! They are all made by me, 100% SapphireIce ~Meow~
~S~ Blk/Pnk Royal Corset
Mis Vídeos
Talk to me (if I'm online), send me a message (if you wanna), add as a friend ...

~ Meow ~
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Mi lista de deseos
Yumi Cropped Top-Pirate2Yumi PirateBoots Black/RYumi Cropped Top - SakurYumi Pirate Mini SakuraBellydance Action
Love Sick Panda BundleJuicy Peach MedSoc Juicy Peach Pearls TWBlondeS/SK BreezeWHazelnut/Sk Breeze
WBlack/SK BreezeWicked Black KimikoWicked Black GwenPetal Pink GwenIced Angel Bundle
Broken Hearted(V) Passion Pose CouchGrey/Pink FlaresBerry Blast Pixiespacer
Mis atuendos View latest
A few of my outfits. Feel free to try 'em on.

~ Meow ~
