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Avatar desde: 2007-12-26
Edad: 53
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"I WILL IGNORE random chat invites or friend requests~ READ my Profile BEFORE you contact me. "

Ver Mis Álbumes (8)

~The Basics~

 First off.. I have been here at IMVU for nearly 15 years.. I've seen it all. DON'T come here with fake profiles, random requests and BS. You Will be ignored. Read my profile.. I am NOT your typical middle aged woman...
  If that interests you.. let me know.

  Occupation: Raising the Future
  Here for: Relaxing and doing my own thing.Creating Unique   Outfits/Avatars.  Friendship. Intelligent Conversation.
  Smoking: Never
  Drinking: Occasionally
Relationship Status: Divorced
Looking For: Friendship
Lo que me interesa
~For those who care to know~

I am a creature of two worlds.This is the world where I am free to be creative, relax and just goof off.
I have my Faith, but I will Not throw it in anyone's face. In fact like most other "serious issues" I will not even discuss it unless you ask. However there are times when I prefer to tackle real world issues and if that is your interest I would be happy to engage.
As for chatting ..I'm NOT interested in simulated, imaginary sex, flirting or drama on ANY level.. Period. I was married for 25 years and am now divorced. I have No need or desire to "play house" with immature childish "adults"..
There are countless other FAR more interesting and intelligent things to do and talk about.

Please be aware that my main reason for being here is to just chill, work on my creative projects or just explore. I occasionally play on Minecraft (my kids got me addicted almost 10 years ago) for the same reasons. I don't mind and occasionally welcome chatting but it is not something I do all the time. If you add me as a friend please do not expect me to chat every time you see me online. I have a very full Real Life with a full-time job and 2 children still at home ( 2 grown).. so please understand that IMVU is not my main source of "socialization". It is in fact my Escape FROM socialization. However I DO Occasionally welcome company.

Being "In Fashion" is Not an interest of mine. I'm sorry ladies.. but I just don't care about style, swag (whatever the hell that is) or "keeping up with the latest fashion trends".
The idea of making generic "Hot sexy avis" Bores. Me. to. Tears....it seems very few here at IMVU actually try to do something ORIGINAL .... I'm more into creating unique and different outfits that I personally find visually pleasing and aesthetically (rather than sexually) attractive . .I have NO interest in keeping up with what's "hot". I also spend time creating my own unique rooms and environments in similar fashion because they are places I WOULD go if I could.

I don't collect "friends".. Looking Popular isn't something I even remotely care about. I left that childish BS back in highschool 30+ yrs ago. I want Quality..not quantity. If I do not already know you.. and I have NOT talked to you first..via chat or message, I will deny your friends request. I prefer people who are interested in intelligent conversation. I'm Not interested in anonymous "I'm bored" chit-chat or being added to someone else's 500+ "friends" list.

~~~ What I AM Interested In ~~~

Intelligent conversation, family, faith, Outside the box, Mother, Divorced, foreign/inde film, Sci-fi, fantasy, Anime, 80's kid, Nerd, Music (very picky), Movies (very picky), animals, nature, outdoors, holistic, natural, Research, thunderstorms, Rain
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Mi Sala
~My Worlds~

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