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Avatar desde: 2005-11-30
Age: 39
Estados Unidos - Maine
Última conexión:

"Don\'t let the horns bother you."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Name: Saegbat, but will respond to her human name "Samaris"
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: Unknown
Talents: Shapeshifting, floating.
Identifying marks: None discovered
My Recent Visitors (0)
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Mi lista de deseos

Yes, some items are for male avatars. My character is a shape shifter.

I guess I better get saving.

Twilight Cloud AnastasiaHot PVC Bodysuit Red[*L] Magick: Suzu-chanDark Grey Dragon Wings[A]R/B Canpy Bed w/Poses
[SH] The EnchantmentMK78 BH Couch1R: Chrome Long Tails [R]R: Blk Chrome Mika Base[SH] Arachnid
[SH] Chesney Pose[SH] Wolf Out Point*Smexy* BlackBerryspacerspacer
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Star Wars

2202 posteados de 1207 miembros
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Jedi Academy

245 posteados de 60 miembros
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Mis amigos (43)
People with GIANT avatar pics will be DELETED from my friendslist, because it screws up my page.
Lo que me interesa

S is for Striking
P is for Popular
O is for Overwhelming
O is for Optimistic
K is for Kind
Y is for Yummy
S is for Sparkling
A is for Alluring
M is for Mysterious

Browse through only the BEST videos at pYzam.com!
anime, dragons, Art, Vampires, demons, manga, werewolves, Scorpio, cosplay, tattoos, D&D, Nerds, World of Warcraft, Star Wars, Role-playing, geeks, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Wars Galaxies, web comics, anime conventions, Fantasy Games, bith, twi'lek

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