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Avatar desde: 2007-12-26
Age: 46 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
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"here for devving only"

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Taiah's Journal

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Simply Taiah

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Lo que me interesa

I remember the time not long ago
When we laughed and shared it all
We were the very best of friends
Or at least that’s what I thought.
I often wonder why friendships end
What happens to sever that tie
How can someone once so close
Just wave you off with a good bye
I must have been lacking
I must have been wrong
I wasn’t the friend to you
That you were to me all along.
I thought I was loyal
I know I was true
But something went wrong
Now there’s nothing to do
A friendship lost
Is a very sad thing
The angels weep instead of sing.
This is kinda my way to show that i do care and have feelings and do hurt just like everyone else... once you touch my life, you are never forgotten and the hole you leave by your departure is never filled, no matter how bitter or sweetly the goodbye is done... what hurts the most are those never said... just abandoned in the past, cast aside for something better... so i put a few words on my page, simple ramblings to say how i feel... i want them to know they did actually mean something to me and are still thought of from time to time... this is my way of adding closure and show who on imvu has really mattered during my time here...

My heart is locked away thousands of miles under the sea
Where there can be no heartbreak
A barren wasteland of bad memories
Through, light can not past
Remains in darkness lurking in its own captivity
Many locksmiths have dove to the ocean bottom
Creating replica keys to open this cell
Momentarily, my heart feels free
Time passes until the key presents its true identity
And back to the abyss I revert
Each time buried deeper in the sand
Hidden further from sight
In time my heart will disappear
And reappear, cold-blooded
Leaving trust in abandonment
Without love for another soul
-Losing A Piece Of My Soul-
I came to you the hour I was in pain
Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain.
I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart,
I knew then you'd be my friend,
I knew it from the start.
Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life,
You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife.
When home wasn't home to me no more,
You opened up your heart, and opened up the door.
We cried into night until the early morn.
We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns.
As time flew, the air grew thick,
I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick.
The day had arrived,
When it was time to say goodbye.
Now I sit alone,
reminiscing the past we once had.
-Quiet Emotions-
I always wanted more from you
than you were willing to give;
So now we've gone our separate ways
each with different lives to live.
The bond will always be there
the friendship always intact;
But the time for us has come and gone
and the pages of time, you can't turn back.
I will always be a friend to you
and wonder how you are;
The smiles and laughter I will remember
and our fights have become painless scars.
Sometimes on those busy days
when you've a thousand things to do;
Please let me glide slowly through your mind
and spend some time with you.
In that quiet moment
when you're surprised to find me there;
Just remember even with the distance between us
I am still someone who cares.
-And Where Were You?-
I never thought I'd see this day,
I never thought I'd feel this way,
You...a stranger to me now.
I'm left with emptiness...
I wish I knew how it could be,
That we were once so open and free.
You were like my brother.. yet so much more
I wish I would have seen what I see now before.
For, I did not and it's too late...
My friend, my lover once, is now unknown.
And what hurts the most is I now know..
What I lost.. and I'm alone.
To face a challenge life has sent,
And not a moment with you I've spent.
I hope one day I can forgive you, my friend..
I miss you....
Why did you go?

-The Stronger Side-
I walked along the ocean,
my head bowed low in sorrow,
I hardly handled today,
how do I cope with tomorrow?
The day was like every other,
the pain the grief inside,
my strength was running out,
I could no longer hide.
The pain was immense that day,
it had never been that bad,
and all of a sudden, out of the blue,
I didn't feel as sad.
Something happened that day,
the weight became like a feather,
it'll never be entirely gone though,
the memories are there forever.
Although I still look back and cry,
I had a friend to confide,
She means the whole world to me,
She helped me reach the stronger side.
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[RED] Puppy Eyed Begger[SH] Recovery Pose[FCS] V15 Banana Blond[HDpose] Gotcha![SH] Wolf Out Point
*LS* Attack![WZ Pose] Scratch Spot[WZ Pose] KissMyPaw SpotGrey Tribal Furry GAArabian Dreams Small Rug
[FCS] Rose glass house[FCS] Lavish Apartment[FCS] RED TABLE[FCS] WHITE TABLE[FCS] Red velvet puff

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