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Avatar desde: 2006-08-11
Edad: 32
Estados Unidos - CA
Última conexión:

"Need a guy to love."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

ITS TIFFANY BITCH! Nah kidden.But people call me tiff. I am straight. and loven it.I have the best personalty ever.If you dont know me...well you are missing out on ALOT! I have a very out going personalty. When you get to knoe me i will be the light of your life. when i am pissed you will know. and know very well. I hate drama. So if your going to talk to me and start shit. Save your breath. Okay.. If i dont like you i wont show it only because i dont want to start shit. So guys i am single. and looking. I mean i'll go out with you but you cant be GanGsTer like because it turns me off when a guy is a little bitch. and trys to act tuff. So Heads up. kk Well i better head outta here. bye. TiFf. ;-)
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Lo que me interesa
This is my friend and i where such tooooo silly when we get togather.lol!
not, well, maybe, Everything!
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Tiffany45211 no tiene a alguien especial.
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Hey, this is my wishlist i would add a lot more but uh i have like everything! LOL! thanks ~Tiff~
Wicked Black Lulu BangsWicked Black LongtailsHot Rails to HellChibi White tigerspacer
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