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*VE* Blonde! Alina*VE* Red and Black AlinaLesbian proudI <3*Blackandred Reece*Cindy red and black*
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Avatar desde: 2007-07-16
Edad: 38
Estados Unidos - UT
Última conexión:

"Check out my group! ( Healthy living group )"

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By the way gifts are welcome but my list is mainly for things that I am looking at and deciding if I want them or not, so dont feel obligated, but feel free.
*EH*SweetHeart*black*(PX)10 IdeaL Poses$ Verses*AMA* Dementia GA Mini*SYN*Helena*Twilight
[SIN]EMO Girl Poses|E1-6*AMA* Gothic Valentine[M.M] SILK Bliss DressLtx Vxn Dress XPJ SweetSnow and Silver Collar
Zip Tee Red*W* Pleated Plaid Red*SG* 5 Flamenco poses 1[R] Nocturnal Tribals[AB]Drawn-On Goth Brows
[K] Gentle Vampire Skin[7E] 100%*W* Lock & Chains Redspacerspacer
Best movie ever =] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Whos the sexy? =] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Delicious :)
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Blender Creators

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Punky's Place for the Ladies

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The Snuggly Lesbians

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Gimp help and etc

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Pandoras Box Avatar Contest

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Learning how to make great hair edits on gimp

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Developers University

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Getting, being and staying healthy.

6 posteados de 3 miembros
Lo que me interesa
I am not easy to make first assumptions with. As you see my name is Vampericembrace, and looking at my photos you would most likley not picture a lover of vampires, darkness and blood. I go through moods, currently I am on this really bright, neon raver fix. Previously it was dark and elegant, but right now this is how I feel. I still love the dark and elegant people, vampire kin. I would, I think, rather speand time with them then people that normally dress as I am curently dressing. Thoe I would surley talk to them as well! I like all people, and will drink only the best of people's blood ^^ anyways, lets chat, leave a messege or ( better yet) a gift. EDIT 10/06*** Ok back to my dark look ^^
vampire, Bi, metal, blood, girls, Gaming, rave, World of Warcraft, horde, LEZ, destromath
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