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Avatar desde: 2008-04-26
Edad: 33
Estados Unidos - CA
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"Were living in the \"ME\" generation where everything revolves around \"YOU\""

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Myspace Emo Graphics
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Graphics for Emo Comments
My names Evan im 17...I may very well one day become a psychiatrist, Im very good with talking to other people about there problems.Even if I myself have problems of my own, it makes me feel happy when sombody else is happy along with me!Other than that im bisexiual and i get along good with others, add me and we can chat id love to get to know you.Ok buh byez
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IMVU Scrolling panels READ THIS IF YOU LIKE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, Join my group My Chemical Romance Lovers its fun talk about watever you want BTW unlike THE REAL MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE FANS, I do not kick people for liking My Chemical Romances for there looks im sure My Chemical Romance loves every single one of there fans like YOU regardless...
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Graphics for Emo Comments
♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ Click here to get Falling Objects ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥IMVU Layouts MY LINK DEscriptION Lets Chat!!!
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Panic! At The Disco

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** eMo MuSiC **

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Gothic Nightmares

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Emo Love </3

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MelisaPosey Advertizing and Shopping Mall

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My Chemical Romance Lovers <3

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Alguien Especial
i love this girl soooo much This is K-la, she is the cutest girl ^.^, We have sooo much in common i cant count but anyways to make this short and sweet i love yah k-la PS:I wont ever leave you ^.^, ur the best thing thats ever happend to me... i feel alive when im with you when i usually feel dead...

I love you like a brother and i care about you alot like u care about me = ]
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Myspace Emo Comments
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Myspace Emo Graphics
Photobucket ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ Click here to get Falling Objects ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥IMVU Layouts
Mis amigos (19)
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Mi Sala
'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance
'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance
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Emo Graphic Comments

♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ Click here to get Falling Objects ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥ ♥☼☼♥IMVU Layouts
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Myspace Graphics

I found some really Cute Myspace Layouts at Doobix.com

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Myspace Emo Comments & Graphics
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Myspace Emo Comments & Graphics
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generosity Generosidad 12

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