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Avatar desde: 2006-11-04
Age: 37
Estados Unidos - AK
Última conexión:

"Back online! Add me furries :)"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Good evening. You may call me by fox, or death, or my real name Patsy.

Me: Artistic, confident, a little shy, gregarious, de'ja'vu, confident, narcissistic, mature, unique, dreamer, writer, flirtatious, nature-lover, affectionate, foretelling, cautious, honest, perfectionist, endearing, funny, weird, sly, etc.. I wouldn't know what extra to say about myself that I already listed, but I am a lot of things.

There is much to know about me other other then my interests. I'm not as interested in closed minded, religion pushing, furry-bashing people.. don't contact me if your in any sort of belonging to those three things. I'm very interested in the people that are a lot like me.. ones that think deeply, dream, and over all is creative. People that push themselves to their own dreams, and they aren't afraid to discuss topics with me.. even if its they're own issues.

Of course, I will tell you these things that I don't discriminate between anyones race, religion, or sexuality.. If your gay, or bi more power to you. I don't mind making friends with girls whom like other girls.. don't take me seriously when I refuse your offer, because men make my vagina explode. :3 I'm a very fun, and understanding person. I'm a keeper.

Roleplaying: I roleplay a lot more than you think.. especially over Furcadia, and other places. If your interested in a roleplay, or trying to find me on Furcadia feel free to message me, and tell me when you'll be on. I stay up late when I can, so you'll see me some time. The names are: Nahasha (my black fox), and Miakou (my white fox, I use this one a lot.)

I draw a lot so check out my deviantart in the purple text area, so if you want me to draw your avatar or something.. just message me there, or here. Just to let you know, the things that are colored differently mean its important! ***RECENTLY***: I added new art the day after Christmas so feel free to add me to your watch, or make positive comments. I have lots of art to look at, and I might be making more before I leave to go back to Anchorage.
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********Up Date******: I graduated recently in November, and since then I was preparing for the boards. I already took them on the 14th and 15th, the written and physical exam. I didn't get my results yet, but I might need to retake the physical part because I didn't have a model for the hair cut. I might be going back to school to get re-educated and work at the same time possibly... I'll still live in Anchorage, and I might stay and work there.

I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY MESSAGES CONTAINING UPDATES ABOUT SELLING SHIT OR CHAIN LETTERS!!! It clutters my fucking page up to high hell 'especially' when I'm gone for SOOO long. If your my friend you'd understand this... I've had enough and I'm going to block or report whoever the bitch tits is that's sending me shit that I don't care a rats ass about.

Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
Mis Vídeos
Alguien Especial
deathfoxprincess7 no tiene a alguien especial.

I'm dating a wonderful guy and we love each other. We've been dating for a long time.

Mis grupos ¡Revisa los grupos de IMVU!
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21132 posteados de 10706 miembros
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samaurai furries

13 posteados de 9 miembros
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Real (life) beautiful people

2 posteados de 10 miembros
Lo que me interesa

I have a deviantart: http://deathfoxprincess.deviantart.com/

Here it is just in case you missed it on my 'about me' part. I can draw humans and furries alike. If you ask me to draw for you please give me about 2 weeks or so, and make sure you kindly ask me about it if its been too long.

New, friends, music, Art, animals, spongebob, fun, vampires, chatting, Drawing, Wolves, travel, virgo, romance, Laughing, nature, Furries, comics, beauty, flirting, spells, Clothes, Comedy, walking, men
Mi lista de deseos
These are my gifts I'd really love to have. Mostly the stuff that are clothes, or something that would seem important I'd want. But, any gift I would appreicate!

Hey check out what I found! This is a chat board for all you furries who love to roleplay and I mean roleplay. Its the best and awesome chat to go to- its got almost everything!

  • http://wildgoatchild.proboards82.com/index.cgi
  • Fox v2 head furry f[Foxi]colorful beadsSultan's Thronespacerspacer
    Mis amigos (28)

    OMG. I feel so retarted.. I just realized that I could move people to my top. X_X So.. I moved my friends all to the top whom I were familar with the most, and were just plain awesome. Anyway.. I just realized that I had a ton of male friends. XD.. I might not have enough room to put ya'll on my top! Sorry bebe's! But, I still love'yall!

  • NOTICE: I saw quite some guys on my list that are single and looking (most of them are furrys). So girls if your single and looking.. take a peek at my list. ;3
  • My Recent Visitors (0)
    Mis categorías
    friendly Amigos 28
    visitors Visitantes 1607
    kharma Regalos 6
    generosity Generosidad 72


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