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Avatar desde: 2005-09-22
Age: 43
Estados Unidos - NC
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"The Darkness inside grows and yet still its nothing special the same Darkness you will always see. J"

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What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]

You are a Ninja.
You are like a samurai gone bad. The good side is no longer interesting you and feel that darkness is where you belong. Though you may think you are the evil one, you're not. Because deep inside there is still that little glimpse of who you once were. You don't like to associate with people that much and keep away. In your mind they are ignorant and not so interesting anyway. That means you are a lonley person who don't trust people, and you have really no desire to do so either. Life is a big pain and annoyance for you and you aren't quite sure on how to handle it. Other people see you as mysterious and secretive, and that is probably right.

Main weapon: Daggers and throwing stars
Quote:"I hate people. People make me pro-nuclear" -Margaret Smith
Facial expression: Frown
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Estado Civil: Otro
You scored as Mysterious. You wish to hide who you are from all those around you. You find it very hard to trust people. You also may enjoy the fun that comes from playing mind games with others around you.My advice Get out there and reveal the true you if only to one person!



Eyes full of Pain




Diamond Eyes


What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Eyes full of Pain. People tend to overlook you, which makes you feel less worthy of their attentions. You sometimes wish you could just disapear from the world around you. You have been hurt very badly in the past and you just wish that someone would understand you, and what their cruelty is doing to you.



Eyes full of Pain




Diamond Eyes


What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with QuizFarm.com
lucky me i got both of them lol at the same time mind you

Get Your Own Voice PlayerManage

D is for Deadly
E is for Excellent
M is for Musical
O is for Organic
N is for Naughty
W is for Wicked
I is for Industrious
T is for Thrilling
H is for Handy
I is for Impassioned
N is for Normal
W is for Wise
A is for Adaptable
Y is for Yummy
N is for Neat
E is for Entertaining
My Recent Visitors (0)
DemonWithin may actually be a spider-human hybrid

From Go-Quiz.com
How to make a DemonWithin
3 parts competetiveness
3 parts arrogance
3 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com And for my alter ego
How to make a Wayne
3 parts anger
3 parts brilliance
3 parts instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!
Mis Vídeos
Gente Nueva
Alguien Especial
demonwithin no tiene a alguien especial.
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Mis categorías
friendly Amigos 23
visitors Visitantes 819
kharma Regalos 5
generosity Generosidad 86

if you wanna see a cool store for your real self then check this out, http://thecuriouscloset.vstore.ca/redirect.php/action/banner/goto/14src="http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n16/darkwolf_thevengance/CuriousClosetBanner.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">
What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]

The bully - The fighter

A person with a strong mind, hard to change the opinions already created, the Bully sticks to what believe. Being stubborn is a well known trait of theirs, and they rarely back down from what they believe in. If they do so, much unwanted anxiety will bother the Bully, not allowing him/her to rest in peace.
Since they tend to have such faith in that their opinions are right, the Bully can be very pushing in discussions when their opponent fails to agree with their standpoint. Perhaps prone to compete, the Bully may do so to prove themselves and their worth.
Their downside is that, even if they can see from different perspectives, they hardly ever want to adopt another type of thinking. People may grow frustrated with this, feeling their opinion doesn't matter to the Bully. But that isn't the full truth, as they simply prefer everything to fit with them.
Positive traits are that they are all but a weak character, and they're proud of who they are. They have problems with those who give up easily, frowning upon them. Moments of self doubt and low confidence may occur, but generally they find a way back up on their feet. Most of the times, they are neither a overly happy nor depressed person, as their mood fluctuates. Like a Phoenix, they always survive what is thrown at them.
Quote:"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." -Harvey Fierstein

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Mi lista de deseos
Birthplace:Lewisburg, PA
Current Location:Charlotte, NC
Eye Color:Dark Brown
Hair Color:Dark Brown
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:Heinz 57
The Shoes You Wore Today:Vans
Your Weakness:A womans eyes
Your Fears:Get to know me better, I might tell you
Your Perfect Pizza:Bacon mushroom pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:get a better job
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:WTF
Thoughts First Waking Up:Not another day in hell
Your Best Physical Feature:Ummmm I defer to you to decide
Your Bedtime:Ummmm Every couple days to a week
Your Most Missed Memory:I cant remember
Pepsi or Coke:Dr pepper
MacDonalds or Burger King:Sushi 101
Single or Group Dates:Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Homemade
Chocolate or Vanilla:Both
Cappuccino or Coffee:Niether
Do you Smoke:Aye
Do you Swear:No I dont fucking swear God what the fuck is wrong with you?
Do you Sing:Aye
Do you Shower Daily:Aye
Have you Been in Love:Aye
Do you want to go to College:Aye, but Im still working on for what
Do you want to get Married:~shrug~
Do you belive in yourself:Aye
Do you get Motion Sickness:No
Do you think you are Attractive:In some ways
Are you a Health Freak:Hell no
Do you get along with your Parents:For the most part
Do you like Thunderstorms:~heaven~
Do you play an Instrument:Guitar
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:But of course
In the past month have you Smoked:I just finished one
In the past month have you been on Drugs:I think Im still on them from my childhood
In the past month have you gone on a Date:No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:No
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:Aye
In the past month have you been on Stage:Nope, need to find a good kareoke bar around here
In the past month have you been Dumped:Nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:Cant remember I was drunk
Ever been called a Tease:Yes
Ever been Beaten up:Yep but I held my own
Ever Shoplifted:Once or twice
How do you want to Die:In a super nova that destroys the world
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Me
What country would you most like to Visit:England or California, Yes California is its own country
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:One thats deep
Favourite Hair Color:One thats soft that I can run my fingers through
Short or Long Hair:Both
Height:Same or shorter than me
Best Clothing Style:One that matches her personality
Number of Drugs I have taken:I lost count
Number of CDs I own:Ummmm Yeah...
Number of Piercings:2
Number of Tattoos:4
Number of things in my Past I Regret:1


Five Finger Death Punch Lyrics

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