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Avatar desde: 2006-06-27
Estados Unidos - DC
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Estado Civil: Casado(a)
Buscando Por: Conversar
Alguien Especial
Lo que me interesa
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Mi lista de deseos
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red dress delilahwavy black hairBenita Black HairA True Friendship PoemLIZ-Diamant Bracelets(L)
LIZ-Diamant Bracelets(R)*sh*10 facial expression*me* Pop Blue Eyes!S! ~Skint~ V4LIZ- French nails
*u3*Francine BlackjuliaxAx Vibe brown[AS] S Tops Gothic v2[C] Dimple Diamonds
{DG}Lori Black[Flora|Vest|V2}Siren{DG}Diamond Stud Trailspacerspacer
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