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Avatar desde: 2006-11-20
Edad: 34
Última conexión:

"Iche liebe dich Bill und Tom 3"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Gender: Giiiirl.
Avatar since: Always. x]
Location: Don't be a stalker.
Last log on: Idfk.
Ich liebe dich
Bill und Tom..
Für immer <33
I love you
Edward Cullen. <33
People That matter to me =} ::
2010smores2010 <3 <3 <3 bff in real life
SecretlyHidden <3
EmoXTokio <3
514Skaterman <3
Niikkix3 <3
icypanda <3
Krow93 <3

Mini Blog By Vintage Fairy
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Cursor by Vintage-Fairy.com
Alguien Especial
My best friend in the world. Yes I mean In real life. She is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!
Brooke I love you so much.
We have the bestiest times ever.
Mi lista de deseos
Most wanted :
CocoaChocNut ~ Hisako
&& Serene Angel skin v2
&& *Pc* Faux Brown Boots
*Pc* Basic Shirt(Ð) Blonde Black ~Kikie(Ð) Serene Angel Skin v2*Pc* W/b Palestinian{SC}Purple *hip* candy
*Pc* Faux Brown Boots~BZ~ Lime Tank Top(Ð) Glam Blonde ~ Gree*Pc* StrawB. Pumps(Ð) CocoaChocNut ~Hisako
*Pc* White MiniSkirt[Sx]Diam. Fur Heels -BlkVogue Room(Ð) Glam Blonde ~ Rie*Pc* 2 Chain Bracelet
(k)th house dark*Pc* Strawb. Navy Corset*Pc* RetroChair w/ Poses(Ð) Glam Blonde ~ Naomispacer
Mis Vídeos
Lo que me interesa
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1366 posteados de 1118 miembros
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Tokio Hotel = .

157 posteados de 445 miembros
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0_o*tOkiO hOtel*o_0

42 posteados de 128 miembros
Mi Sala

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