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Avatar desde: 2007-02-11
Edad: 31
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Id like to meet anybody who likes gymnastics and swimming."

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

I'm a 15 y.o. boy looking to chat with anybody who likes gymnastics and swimming. If I don't andswer leave me a message and I'll try and chat. I don't do random chats anymore because I get jerks who hit me and then leave just because I'm gay. Now the only way I'll meet new people is if they leave me a message or I meet them through a friend. I would like to meet alot of people. Me and my bf are on the same gymnastics team. If you're planning on bashing me don't bother contacting me. Because I won't explain myself to anybody. I am who I am. Also don't bring something up and then not tell me. Don't say nevermind or forget about it. Just tell me please. I hate that. www.leekspin.com www.badgerbadgerbadger.com
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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The love of my life. We found a song that fits us from our friend Jack. It's Amazed by Lonestar.
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Gay boys - free links

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Chance's Happy Place

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Single, Gay, and looking [Guys Only]

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Gay Guys& Lesbians

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