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Avatar desde: 2006-12-06
Edad: 31
Estados Unidos - FL
Última conexión:

"Ferrety-ness o.o"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Kero: The Pirate Ferrachu Ninja's Homepage. :3

Kero's shtuff:
MSN: Kerochanroxpruplesox@hotmail.com
Email: Kerochanroxpruplesox@yahoo.com
AIM: Lol iKero

All about Kero-chan. ^^
IMVU: iKerochu
Species: Ferrachu(50% Ferret, 50% Pikachu).
Gender: Female.
Age: 16
Height: 5`6
Weight: 145 Lbs.
Eyes: Emerald green.
Fur/Hair Color: Light brown with Black stripes/Black with crimson streaks.
Clan/Group/Pack: The black paw
Father: Sasuke/Patrick-ai
Mother: Jenni
Grandmother(s): CrustyBread and Nik.
Grandfather(s): Tweak and Caleb.
Brother(s): None.
Sister(s): None.
Aunt(s): Noey and Mo.
Offspring: MyLifeIsRandom, RyoOWN
Owner(s): Sasuke/Patrick
Pet(s): Darkabyss

Q.Whats a Pirate Ferrachu Ninja? o.O
A. Me, 'foo! o:

Q.Why are you a ferrachu furry?
A. I always felt like I had a deep connection with ferrets, and when I got my pet ferret Kiba my ferrety senses opened even more. :P Also I love pikachu and I feel really close to that pokemon :D

Q.How can you be a Ninja and a Pirate at the same time?
A. 'Cause I'm coolies like that.

Q.Do you have any other skins on IMVU?
A. No, and theres a reason why. Its not because I dont have alot of credits( o.o; thats one reason but not the main.). Its because Im a FERRET furry so the only skins Ill get are ferret skins and there are only three known skins made. I'm a ferret furry and only a ferret, nothing else. :P

Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
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iKerochu no tiene a alguien especial.
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