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Avatar desde: 2006-11-30
Edad: 33
Estados Unidos - Illinois
Última conexión:

"hey what\'s up"

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Mis amigos (14)
I have so many great friends i can't name them all so i will just name a couple...Partygirl908,Starbuks,Cheriiblast,Shinyplastic1,Badboy147,Freachsucks ,and Xxcindywxx oh and Kaleighcutie and lola373 and one more bi9irl
My Recent Visitors (0)
I support starbuks my m8te get her banner and support her too lol! Well ty for visiting hope you enjoyed my page!
Alguien Especial
koolcat123456789 no tiene a alguien especial.
Mi lista de deseos
A wishlist is not stuff we need it is stuff we just want ok that we really want lol.I wonder what i will get next lol.
Dark Grow Long Top(Ð) Spotty Top + Sweater[J] Starry Stripespacerspacer
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