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He's my world. I love him to death, and I don't know what I would do without him. :)
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Avatar desde: 2008-02-09
Edad: 36
Última conexión:

"rawr ;)"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

hi, my name is....unknown by you, until i really get to know you. deal with it! =] i love animals. and im actually vegetarian. but don't expect me to shove that in your face. if i wanna be vegetarian its up to me, but you have your own feelings, and i completely respect that. i love music. its a major part of my life. about 99.999999999999999% of the time im listening to music or sleeping lol. (im pretty lazy hehe) im happy most of the time, but sometimes, im not. its called life. it doesn't make me 'emo' or 'goth' or whatever other messed up stereotype you THINK i am. and until you know me, don't you dare judge me. i may surprise you. im not as normal as everyone thinks. hmm. thats about all i can think of right now, hehe. so message me and add me if you wanna know more. <3
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Estado Civil: Casado(a)
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Lo que me interesa
boyfriend:D kinky:x imvu friends family asilaydying darkesthour heavymetal techno trance&progressive screamo emo rap hiphop threesixmafia lilwayne akon fabolous rhianna emostuffs hottopic atreyu dashboardconfessional deathcabforcutie disturbed evansblue falloutboy flyleaf lacunacoil lambofgod madinalake maximumthehormone secondhandserenade silverstein tatu russian&japanese :] TEEHEE! x]
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friendly Amigos 4
visitors Visitantes 69
kharma Regalos 11
generosity Generosidad 9

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