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Avatar desde: 2007-10-03
Edad: 56
Reino Unido
Última conexión:

"Hi want to chat"

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Mi lista de deseos
*D* Little Purple Angel*D* Blood DesiresBBR BM Brillances /Jeans[ARG] White Wedding*D* Red Satin
(MI) 18 Poses[LF] Checklez Suit DressYellow Polka Dot Bikini#SDK# TED IndigoZ Sugar Plum Ball Gown
Z Golden Ivory Gown[SIN] SENSITIVE |SE1-6|Cocktail Green DressLIZ brown pants {hippy}LIZ lace gloves
LIZ Jla golden heelsLIZ leather and fur setspacerspacerspacer
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Alguien Especial
missbabejojo no tiene a alguien especial.
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