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the names Monica :) i took my first breath on january 28. im livinq the best in chi-town. ya digg! =P im unique & krazy in my own way. you eitha hate me or love me. i have sum krazy ass friends. when we're together..all hell gone break loose!! [♥] im the girl that everyone wants, but no one can havee. i like listeninq to musiqk & dacinq. im ADDICTEDD to {{My lover}} ?? <33 im proud to be who i am. no one can break me or make me. im like no otha, but myself. im blaqk, maican, rican, & =O whizzittee! dnt be fooled by the smile. i drive these boys krazy & make these gurls hate me. Bitch {{alert}} yesszzziirr I have attitude problems. Deal with it. im standingg tall at 5'3. ima shortiiiiieeee =P i hate when ppl judge me simply bc they dnt kno me. i love makinq believeerrss out of pplzzz <3 i have a hiqh confindence & cnt no one stop dat. im the bitch yo momma warned you goofies about. i have the best siblings in the world! =D even tho we fiqht alot {{Camren & Dontay}} R.i.P Marie girls layout powered by HOTFreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments
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