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Avatar desde: 2006-11-12
Age: 42
Estados Unidos
Última conexión:

"Death was brought to you upon the tattered wings of fallen angels. Here, there is no Salvation!"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

It had been the sixth town that he's visited... On one of the higher rooftops, he'd perch himself down.. Black wings to stretch out in either direction, before finally, they'd relax. Wrapping themselves so that the point in which they were hinged, extended those little talons to cross eachother in front of his chest. The rest of which, would simply comform into a living "cloak" that covered either side of his body, along with his back. And he wasn't alone up here either. On the contrary, he had taken upon himself, to snatch a passenger on the way up, and was merely dangling the individual over the ledge, with just the end of his tail, as it had been wrapped around the man's ankle. Squirming and struggling, the man was doing his best to shake himself free. That was only until he finally realized; that if he were to be released now, he'd suffer from a most horrifying fall. So now came the begging, and pleading for the sparing of his existance.. Little did he realize, that his pleas for mercy, had fallen upon deaf ears. "It's amusing.. " Echoed those dark, hellish alter tones.. "To see one so high and mighty, begging for his life... I'd laugh, had I not already been so disgusted with how easy it was for me to reduce you to something so lowly, and pathetic. Just look around you. See for yourself, how I've so easily, reduced your dwellings, into rubble. Your people, nothing more than tattered remains that litter the landscape. And I'll not stop here. Every town, just like the one that you see before you, will suffer the same fate!" That man, having gone pale from hearing such things, was left to just utter one thing.. The only thing that came to his mind.. "W.. why? What have we ever done to you?..." The beast would snarl, and would pivot. Such strength was utilized, through the means of that tail, to send the man flailing through the air, however.. Such a fall would not be the devastating one that had once been decided at his fate. Instead, the man would be seen, tumbling across the rooftop like a pebble, that had been cast upon the surface of a pond. Landing as a broken heap against one of the cooling units nearby, he'd have just enough strength to observe the creature, as it approached him. Those ever sinister altertones, ringing throughout the man's cerebral cortex.. "do NOT percieve me to be so naive that you can so easily pass yourself off as an 'innocent' in my presense! Your sins have long since preceeded you, from the very first conception of your kind." That creature, would then crouch down in front of the man. Those claws, moving to pinch his cheeks together. "Killing off anything you see before you, that you percieve to be a threat.. And just look at you. You're essentially, already dying. And your knowledge of all of this, scares you. So you do what you can to prolonged your existance, so that you may suffer from a demise far worse than death itself.." Shortly after releasing the hold that he had on the man, the creature would then rise back to it's feet. And from between those wretched claws, flames would gather. Not yet consuming the creature's flesh, but rather.. being fed from the energy that pulsed from it. "And as punishment for your resistance, the strongest of your kind will be hunted down like dogs.. One right after another, they will be obliterated on sight! The women and children, will be ravaged by the lowest forms of life that can only be fathomed by your darkest nightmares, until they are extinguished as well... Every town. Every face.. Everything will be purged. And rest assured, as you are not the first to fall... " Spoken, as the creature silently began raising those claws to the level of the man's eyes, with it's palm facing upwards. "You'll not be the last, either." And with that, those claws would twitch.. It had been the mere hinting, of this creature's power, which had been cast into the eyes of the man who feared for his life. They would be seen glistening, from the brilliant flash, the intense heat, and the sudden eruption of flames that soon overtook him.. His screams as a result over his burning flesh, soon ending with the excruciating, combustion of his body. A violent splash of crimson, and the cascading of bones, muscle tissue, and scattered brain matter, to mingle with the scent of charred flesh.. An arm thrown here.. a leg there.. And scorch marks, to mark where the man had once been trembling.. Turning on it's heels, that creature would unfurl those wings just once more.. From the ledge, he'd take that death-defying leap into the air and with an ear piercing screech, utilized the heat from the many fires below, as 'thermals' to take him up, off, and into the night sky. "To do away, with such a place as this, along with the many people that's in it... It really shouldn't be so easy...."
You scored as Brujah. You belong to the Brujah bloodline: the punks, rabble, and anarchists of the vampire underworld. The Brujah often have a score to settle with someone upstairs and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty. While they are very passionate about their beleifs, they are often so volatile that they can't stop fighting amongst themselves long enough to organize anything more than a brawl.















What vampire clan do you belong to?
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Mi lista de deseos
It's not a requirement that's vested upon anyone, to get me anything from what I've listed below. If anything, I've ONLY got these items listed below, to remind me to get them later.. That is, once I've the credits to do so. Gawk. Look. Stare. Ponder.. Whatever. And Hey! *IF* you're wanting to blow some credits... Then by all means, I don't hold any intentions on stopping you. But your charity isn't required, nor requested of you. Take it for what it's worth, be it worth anything at all. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Mis Vídeos
You scored as Wrath.















Seven deadly sins
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