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Avatar desde: 2007-06-12
Edad: 31
Estados Unidos - OH
Última conexión:

"Life is good, life is great. So, don\'t mess it up before it\'s too late......o.o Wait......Ah, nvm"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

O-o booME!!
Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
Alguien Especial
rezil12 no tiene a alguien especial.
My special somone =)

I just love everything bout you ;)
Mis amigos (14)
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Mi lista de deseos
If you buy me this things I'll be the happies person alive =D
[MT]RealisticEyeBrows Bl*pH* Teresa Black! Bigger Snakebite - Blk[*L] Brows: Fae ThinPeony Head
Veronica Head*L Chic Head[N]-=Fairytale=-SK11*glllllg*sexy small head[MP]Dark red Skirts
[SIN] Smoky Diva Lashes(Ð) Glam Black ~SakuraiLox™ Kira: Night Black[K] Ebony/Crimson Hisami(Ð) Dramatic Diamond Sv2
[S] True Black Hisami[69s] HOMUGI derivable[69s] EMONIE derivable[69s] EMO WEARspacer

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