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Avatar desde: 2007-03-13
Age: 37
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"HeY hEy....HoW tHiNgS...lOl"

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HeY hEy.....NaMeS mElL... iM 20 aS yOu CaN c.. I lUv HaNgIn oUt wIt mY fRiEnDs, hAvIn fUn nUtHiN tO sPeCiAl... jUst DoIn NeThInG, GeTtInG PlAsTeReD, pArTyInG, dRIvInG rOuNd, Or jUsT HaNgIn.. Im A tYpIcAl GiRL obSEssEd wItH shOpPiNg... I LuV pLaYbOy AnD PoN & Zi ThEy SoOoO CuTe AwWw LoL... aNd fOr aNyOnE ThAt rEaLlY nEeD To KnOw yEs TroTtIe52 Is mY LiL bRo ...MeSs WiT hIm MeSs wIt Me....WeLl NeWaY iF yOu wAnNa KnOw MoRe EiTHeR aDd Me, InvItE mE oR lEaVe mE a mSg... Il gEt bAcK To yA sOon... TiLl ThEN...... cAtCh Ya............ Oh AnD If yOu tHiNk mY PaGe lOoKs a LiTtLe UnFiNsHeD AtM ThATs CaUsE It Is iLl FiNiSh iT SoOn.. Kk....... MwAh To AlL xXxXxOoOoO Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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[V4NY] *Floor #4*10 Swimsuit Model Poses![S2] 60D Sweet *BraBaBe*[ACS] BEACH GIRL POSESThinner Head v2
[D] Spike/Stud Graple~K~Jeans Country SummerSN Black Velvt Crisscrss{Se} Black ripplesNaughty
Wow Aqua-jeans sexy[j] silver play boy[M] Sparkle Charm Whitedaimond sparkle hoopsspacer
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If YoU wAnNa gIvE mE a BuZz....HeReS hOw....ByE bYe
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